Dan writes:
When my “A Basque Lullaby” was first published, many choirs wanted to incorporate its style into Christmas concerts, and asked for a set of Christmas lyrics for it. I rarely, if ever, re-text a musical setting, but in this case, the music really seemed to belong at Christmas, and some choirs were adapting their own lyrics for it, with less sophistication than I would have preferred. Since Charles Anthony Silvestri had re-texted Eric Whitacre’s “Sleep” not too many years prior, I asked him to re-text this music for me. We collaborated on the text, making it fit the music, via a lengthy Facebook message conversation late one night in 2010, and a new Christmas piece was born.”
Video above is a performance by Raffles Voices (Singapore), conducted by Toh Ban Sheng, at St. Peter and Paul Church in Krakow, Poland, in the 3rd Krakow Advent & Christmas Festival, 2012.
© 2010 by Charles Anthony Silvestri
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Rest now my darling,
Close your eyes, dreaming is nigh.
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Angel voices softly singing
Carols for their newborn King.
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Whisper and sigh,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Lullaby.
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Silently waiting,
All creation greets the Child;
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Holy Child, fulfill our longing,
Our foretold salvation bring.
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Whisper and sigh,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Lullaby.
Tags: Christmas, Silvestri