Written during the events of 2020, Dan’s exquisite setting of Paul Wigmore’s text (SATB choir, piano, and optional string quartet) invokes Light… Joy… Love… Peace… and Hope.
Light beyond shadow,
Joy beyond tears,
Love that is greater when darkest our fears;
deeper the Peace when the storm is around,
nearer the Hope to the lost who is found.
Light of the world, ever shining, shining!
Hope in our pain and our dying.
in our darkness, there is Light,
in our crying, there is Love,
in the noise of life imparting
that passes understanding.
Light beyond shadow,
Joy beyond tears,
Love that is greater when darkest our fears;
deeper the Peace when the storm is around,
nearer the Hope to the lost who is found.
-Paul Wigmore (alt.), 1925-2014. Copyright Hope Publishing; used by permission.