Setting of Susan Boersma’s text based on Zephaniah 3:17. Scored for SATB Choir, Piano, optional Handbells and optional String Quartet/Quintet, String Orchestra or Orchestra.
Around us the sound of celestial music,
anthems of love from the heavenly throne;
The Father Himself singing over His children,
His love song a gift that He sings to His own.
Sing to the Lord, with a song give Him glory.
Heaven will hear and will join in our praise.
The Father Himself singing over His children,
taking delight in the anthems we raise.
Sing with the sun as it rises each morning
melody, harmony, lighting the day.
Sing through the night, with the moon and stars shining,
hymns of deliverance, pardon and grace.
Echoes of love coming down from the Father,
echoes of love that we lift to His throne.
Sing to the Lord, with a song give Him glory.
Heaven will hear and will join in our praise.
The Father Himself singing over His children,
taking delight in the anthems we raise.